• 0986333960/+84982089198/02432056116
  • cuong3dmaster@gmail.com
  • Working time: 24/7

Service Scan 3D ceramics

 3D MASTER Co., Ltd respects the 3D reverse scan project and check the curvature of sanitary products and porcelain samples at Viglacera Thanh Tri:

Construction Technology Map:

scan 3d do gom su

1 / Scan 3d samples

2 / 3D reverse design sample export

3 / Mold design: mold release analysis and half mold separation

4 / Milling the half molds

5 / Installing molds and firing products

6 / Check the product warping after baking with Scan 3d solution to evaluate the product and how to overcome the finishing technology.

Some photos of the construction site at Viglacera Thanh Tri:

scan 3d sứ

quét 3d sứ

quét 3d khuôn sứ

đo 3d khuôn gốm sứ


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