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Project Scan 3D player pigs to make mold PVC pump,

When customers want to make molds tens of thousands of products in the form of any natural pattern like real pork meat, go to 3D MASTER. We will advise, quotation partner with you the best solution. The invaluable benefits are, you will understand the overall process to your ambition.

1 / You will know how to initialize data quickly with accurate Scan 3D

2 / You will be advised on the standard designs of mold technology and selection of the right form of feasibility 

3 / You will preliminary understand the next step after the design is: CNC running, mold testing, mold repair, polishing molds, molding ...

Video scan 3D pork chops mold the PVC pump

scan 3d thủ lợn 1

The pig's picture needs a 3D scan

scan 3d thủ lợn 2

Results of 3D scan of pigs

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