• 0986333960/+84982089198/02432056116
  • cuong3dmaster@gmail.com
  • Working time: 24/7

Installation service system scan 3d people

3D MASTER is pleased to provide professional services on consultancy installation of 3d scanner system, leasing 3D camera systems in conferences, events ... in Vietnam with many types of systems different,

3d model scanner system type 1:

Portable, easy to carry, simple to remove, 3D shooting> 4 people in 1/60 s, installed in 15 minutes, price <$ 50,000, convenient for organizing events, medium 3D STUDIO studios, DIGITAL 3D rooms ..., garment companies, fashion designers, 3D character design companies ...

hệ thống scan 3d body

2 / 3D shooting system type 2:

Suitable for 3D STUDIO and PROFESSIONAL 3D PROFESSIONALS, able to take 3d pictures of a team ..., cost ~ 100,000-150,000 $

hệ thống scan 3d người mẫu

scan 3d full body vietnam

3 / 3D shooting system type 3:

Suitable for the 3D effect of self-opening photographers

scan 3d body man

chụp ảnh 3d người

scan 3d người mẫu nữa

And here are some results of 3D photography from these systems:

chụp ảnh 3d

scan3d body

ảnh 3d

body scanning

scan 3d người mẫu ảnh

chụp 3d mẫu ảnh


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