• 0986333960/+84982089198/02432056116
  • cuong3dmaster@gmail.com
  • Working time: 24/7

Hire a 3d scanner of all types of 3d gas tank,

3D MASTER Co., Ltd is the provider of Scan 3d technology most prestigious Vietnam. We have devices that are medium to high-end 3d handheld scanners and have successfully implemented and implemented many 3D digitization projects, 3D scans and 3D reverse design for all types of curved surfaces. complex. Customers in the mold industry, molding plate when coming to us are very satisfied and satisfied. Our customers from all parts of Vietnam as well as internationally are highly appreciative and extremely confident in our drastic work, professional advice and kindness. With the knowledge and experience of 8 years mold making, CAD / CAM / CNC, we can advise every customer on the technology direction leading to the ultimate result. Examples are petrol tank covers. We can scan 3d in 20 minutes, reverse design and QC 3D design in 5h, analyze and separate the mortar mold in 1h to hand over to customers but the results are unexpected. Here are some images of the 3d scanned copy job, pestle for single stamping details that we have successfully implemented for customers.

scan 3d bình mỏng 3d

This is a 3D model: Samples are gas tanks with free surface surface 3d

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đám mây điểm 2

  The 3d scan result is a sharp, accurate point cloud

kết quả scan 3d

As a result, high quality 3D files are a great database for designing and manufacturing dies

report scan 3d

Kết quả kiểm tra độ chính xác scan3d lên đến <30 micro, và chất lượng bề mặt sản phẩm đẹp mịn

scan 3d bình xăng


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